Autumn is just around the corner! And isn't it just the most wonderful time of the year? Also the perfect time for a very inspiring reading for the months ahead. This is a busy season, often productive and full of changes. Let's make sure we seize all the opportunities we can and make the most of it.
The wonderful Victorian Tarot is a great tool for seasonal spreads and to prepare yourself for the 3 months to come. And now is the perfect time to discover what the fall has in store for us! Here is a seasonal spread tutorial to help you prepare September-October and November.
The Seasonal spread can also be called the Herald's Welcome as it is 'supervised' by the Herald of each Fairy Court - if you need to refresh your memory on the minor arcana of this deck just have a glimpse at my introduction to the Victorian Fairy Tarot here.
Here's what my spread for the Autumn looks like.

Place the Herald of the Court that you are calling on your table. Here we are reading for the Autumn. Then place 3 cards that you carefully choose in the complete deck (major + minor cards). The first card represent the coming season's opportunity, the second card tells you how to make the most of this opportunity, the third how to give back and be grateful. Note that the message of each of the 3 cards is not the same for each season! But you'll have to wait for December first for a new seasonal tutorial ;)
Card 1 (Opportunity)
2 of Spring: This inspiring card is a signal for new creative energy flowing. It tells us that energy is coming back, that positive and productive energies are working together. It is a very positive message announcing opportunity for creative spirits. Beautiful things will happen. Keywords: renewed energy, productivity, talent
Card 2 (Sustainability)
Ace of Spring: the essence of Spring dwells in this card, which speaks to us of awakening, enlightenment. You must open your eyes and be ready for new things to enter your life. This is how you will be able to make the most of the opportunities that this autumn will bring you. Don't be afraid to let new people come in, be open to changes, good fortune awaits! Keywords: Positive changes, new beginnings, accepting changes, being aware of the external world
Card 3 (Gratefulness)
Six of Summer: the fairy on this card calls for peace of mind and acceptation. The Six of Summer tells us to let others play and learn to their own rhythm while being there for them without being judgemental. Don't judge, accept differences and take your inner child with you everywhere you go for your own innocence will be your best companion. Keywords: benevolence, kindness, peace of mind, acceptation
Summary: through new activities and thanks to an open mind, this autumn will be filled with new blessings and creativity, peace of mind will be retrieved and harmony will prevail. The fairies speak of appeasement and the return of inner joy.
Tip! If you don't own the Fairy Tarot deck you can replace the Herald by the Page or a secondary character of the minor arcana of your deck (don't use the King or Queen!). You can then translate the seasonal courts as follows:
Wands represent Spring Cups represent Summer Coins represent Autumn Swords represent Winter
Want your seasonal reading done by Lou? Click here to book it for any season of the year. Each season is different and each reading comes with a bonus guidance spread!