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Numbers in Tarot are a huge structural and symbolic part of the deck. Learn and memorise the meaning of numbers to read Tarot more accurately using these 5 custom cheat sheets made with love for TarotParlor.


These simple cheat sheets cover all numbers 1-20 with notes on the history of numerology and arithmomancy (the ancient art of numbers and divination) to help you approach the deck more precisely.


These are simple yet full of information rarely compiled in other places. 

Easy to learn for beginners and great to have at hand for more advanced practitioners, these 5 sheets are packed with information based on +15 years of practice and meticulous research.


Last but not least, these sheets are gorgeous and can easily be framed for your very own TarotParlor or laminated as a handy guide to always keep by your side.

Numbers in Tarot Printable Cheat Sheets

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