I want to tell you an anecdote that could seem like nothing at all, except for us mindful manifesting peeps. It's a story about inner guidance and how it is always available in both small and bigger way... While I consider myself well on my way* to understanding most of the manifesting processes, the importance of true faith, the role that resistance plays and more, I love these moments of clarity as much as life itself. Grab a coffee and jump in :)
(*I do teach these things but I also think we always learn more. That's what keeps us going!)

I am currently living a semi nomadic lifestyle. I travel a lot and spend my time between the European and North American continent. I love it. It does come with some logistical challenges sometimes and a good amount of planning things properly. Not my favorite part but a fair price to pay for an exciting life!
That's why I spent a few days in a row heavily engaging with the Airbnb app on my phone. And that's where the magic was happening, without me fully knowing it.
First, I had a booking in place for over two months in a cute little house. And I had made one change to my dates through a polite conversation with the owner. During this little chat, he asked me if I drank regular or half and half milk as he provides coffee for his guests. I thanked him and said I don't do dairy and would simply grab something from the supermarket myself. He insisted he'd provide something. I said it wasn't a necessity at all but since he insisted, I thanked him of course and said any non dairy milk would do. (Yes, this is boring & mundane, but bear with me.)
Unfortunately, two days before departure, someone in my family suffered from a massive and unexpected health issue, which put them in the ICU between life and death in a very heartbreaking turn of events. Naturally, I rescheduled my trip.
I changed my flight that day and then went on the app to cancel my Airbnb, and I was still in time for a full cancelation. I did however write a note to the owner, apologizing sincerely for the change and letting him know the reason why, very much a life and death situation.
Side note: this is in a big city in high demand, all decent places get booked easily all the time.
As you may or may not know, you can choose your cancelation policy on the app when you list your home on Airbnb (they're not paying for this post lol), I booked a couple other things this year and everyone does what they prefer. He had opted for a full refund policy if I canceled by X hour of X day. Which I did. I still was very apologetic and was thinking of offering to pay for the first night as I thought it was unlikely it would be booked so last minute. That was before he wrote back with these simple words "Maybe you can refund me for the almond milk" followed by his Venmo info.
That was step one. I originally felt a little bad (for doing something normal while following the cancelation policy of the app and owner). The rudeness of his response left me speechless. No "sorry to hear that", not even a "hi" or "I understand, but...". I left it to that. Babe, how about your drink that almond milk, it might sweeten you up.

And so I was happy to know that my hard earned money would not go to this rude character, it would go somewhere else. That's a big money vibe tip: spend as much as you want, in places and with people that feel right. Keep it in your pocket if the vibe is off. That's one of the best way I have learned to attract a lot more money in my life than I seemed to be destined for originally.
Okay, this is part one of the story. Now the magic happens.
Happy to not be spending money with someone I'd personally dislike, I started rescheduling my trip for a month later, which felt like a safe date to travel. The trip is complex with other little trips within it here and there, my sister visiting for a long weekend etc. so I booked two different places and had some days in between where I'd stay with a friend, travel and then... there were 4 days with no clear plan.
But I had seen this gorgeous Airbnb that I knew as a shooting location from a scouting website I use for content, photoshoots etc. This place was quite expensive but it was a good price, all things considered, to stay in a hip city, in a gorgeously curated space while optimizing my stay for professional content creation. It should have been a no brainer.
And this highly in demand place was available for my dates. I couldn't hit the "reserve" button that night. But I did not. I could not.
So I went to bed and spent the next day working on other things, going to the hospital and come night time I realized "Airbnb" was the last thing on my to-do list. I said to myself "it's gonna get booked, I need to do this".
So I got back on the app and looked at the place and pictured the content I wanted to create and thought about how it all made sense. And it was still available.
I stayed on the app for about an hour. Looking at the pictures and other places and eventually.... going to bed. No reservation made. I did this for 4 nights!!

This is not my style. I'm the kind of person who makes a decision and then executes it. I also have zero problem spending a large sum of money if it makes sense. Hear me out: I hate wasting money. But if it serves me well, I'll spend it without any worries knowing it's always coming back to me (again, that's how I have an amazing relationship with money.)
So I started wondering what was holding me back after the second day. Why in the world was I not making the reservation, knowing I might lose this opportunity, knowing I could afford it, knowing I could do good work in that space, knowing it would all have a good vibe. What the heck?!
Brace yourself, this is not a big revelation with angels singing and lights flashing in the sky (I warned you!) but I promise the conclusion is worthwhile.

After 4 days of not making this reservation, not knowing where I'd be for these dates in between while taking the risk of paying much more for way less, I got a text. One of my best friends who lives in this city texts me to invite me to go to Tampa, FL for a few days. The hotel is covered, the flights work amazingly well with the rest of my schedule and I was sorta kinda wanting to go to Florida soon and wanted to take a 2 or 3 days trip with her this year. Now all of that was presented to me wrapped in a golden bow.
This trip will take place at the exact dates I would have been staying in this non-refundable Airbnb. It would have been a big bummer. Not a huge deal, right? Except wait, I'll probably have more stories when I return from Florida.
After this happened, I had this beautiful feeling of being guided when taking small and big steps alike. This is a small step. But I listened. I truly listened without interfering with nor interrupting my inner voice. Then, something better showed up, very quickly too.
And as I was focusing on other goals and intentions that feel more important or "bigger" to me, it was the perfect reminder: if the Universe has my back and clarity is available in little moments like these, the same is true as I make important decisions and set goals that matter enormously to me.
This was such a simple reminder that:
I am always being guided
Answers and clarity are always available
When I listen to my inner voice, it gets louder
Small steps lead me in the right direction
Hesitation that is not fear based, is redirection
When I get out of the way, I receive what I want
Revelations don't always come with bells and whistle

Often, our guidance whispers, it nudges us softly and gently. Respectful or our free will.
We can listen or ignore the messages. And sometimes in the noise of our busy lives, it’s necessary to remind ourselves to make room to listen, so the voice can get louder, and the light can shine brighter.