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The Crow Tarot Review

Writer: LouiseLouise

Updated: Sep 8, 2021

I have been using this deck for a few months so my Crow Tarot Review is a little overdue but also based on several readings and sessions. Spoiler alert, it’s a really cool deck!

Discovering the Crow Tarot

I’m not sure where I saw it first but I believe it was on Pinterest. A card randomly popping on  my feed. And they had me at Crow. Like many of you here I am an animal lover and I am fascinated by the way they live and thrive or survive around us.

I think all animals are breathtaking when you start discovering what they are up to, how they communicate and how they live. And we don’t even know the half of it.

But we do know a little bit about crows as studies reveal how intelligent and organized they are. I’m not going to write about crows behaviour here, but if you are not familiar with the current state of research, I highly encourage you to find a documentary or podcast on the subject and let yourself be amazed. They are so fun and smart!

Long story short: I love crows. And not because I’m a dark gothic witch. I am not. No shade to anyone! But it’s not my personal style. I love all birds and animals and know we should learn more from them and give them more respect. And Tarot is a wonderful way to keep connecting with mother nature and all the wonderful creatures that surround it.

Let’s jump right in!

What Makes This Deck Stand Out

Every deck has its own personality and magic. Some of the things that make the Crow Tarot Deck stand out include:

  1. a very unique design. The artist painted every card and has a unique style I have not seen elsewhere.

  2. no sugar coating. Some of the cards are very dark or sad (especially the Swords)

  3. rich symbolism with many elements adding depth to each card. You can spend quite some time identifying objects, plants and symbols in the background and assign them your own interpretation (this is not a minimalistic deck)

crow tarot review swords

Example of Swords cards in the Crow Tarot Deck

Best For

Analyzing past situations in depth

Predictions (Long Term Readings)

Yes or No Spreads

A Look at the Cards

The Crow Tarot comes in a solid cardboard box with a nice booklet that’s very classic. A couple paragraphs on the meaning of each card and a tutorial to the Crow Tarot Spread, which is a really good little reading for beginners and advanced readers.

The card stock is regular, not very thick but not too thing that I would be scared to damage it fast.

A solid deck for personal and professional readings. Ideal for Fall & Winter readings while the rain or snow falls out your window and the kettle’s on the stove.

I usually have a favorite card in each deck, not necessarily based on its meaning but on the design or vibe alone.

The Strength in the Crow Tarot immediately got my attention and I connected with it instantly. I have come to love this card more and more over the years in general.

The grace emanating from the Crow, gently perched on a lion resonates deeply with me. I feel the power of acceptance and trust when I look at this card. Real strength is not muscle. It is all within and this is a beautiful illustration of it.

This deck can be dark at times, as I mentioned above, especially with the Swords. And there is nothing wrong with that. I like that you can dive really deep into all sorts of emotions and nothing is held back.

But it somehow adds more joy when a positive spread. Because there is real danger lurking, what a relief to pick a Four of Wands or Nine of Cups!

And the Cups in this deck are so beautiful: there is tenderness, love and depictions of family life that I find truly heartwarming.

A beautiful deck that will take you on a journey in a world of wonders, where Crows lead the way and guide you towards making better decisions and preparing for what’s to come.

Do you own the Crow Tarot? If so, let me know your thoughts by leaving a comment below!

✨ Questions on your mind? You can book your session directly with me right here


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