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Clarity is key to manifest long term

Lou Julianna

Updated: Jan 9

Manifesting is a natural ability that we all have. We're doing it all the time. But most of us only come back to the core of our practice when we find ourselves in a pickle or facing big decisions. I'm a firm believer that manifesting is a lifestyle. And to continuously design our most fulfilling reality, we need one thing above all: clarity.

Clarity is the key to manifest on purpose in the long term

How to get clear on what you want in 2025

I have said it before and I will it until the very end: Clarity is the name of the game.

Every single day, I work on my goals and energy. Every single day, my first priority is to get or remain in alignment. Not in an efforting kind of way, but intentionally.

I check in with myself multiple times a day. I never let shitty momentum grow without intervening. My vibe is my full time job. And it’s not hard at all, it just requires consistency and the rewards are insanely high.

But what’s that got to do with clarity (asked no one since I’m writing this alone while drinking my morning coffee) … Everything!

One thing I have learned over many years of reading Tarot and helping myself and countless women level up, improve their lives and manifest their dreams is that the clearer you get, the faster you manifest. Or dare I say “the cleaner you manifest”.

Here’s why. You get what you want (or what you allow yourself to want in the privacy of your heart, read that again, it’s a pretty big statement).

Clarity is key to manifest anything in life


When we don’t get something we’re manifesting, it’s because we’re blocking the door one way or another. And before you get triggered (I’ve been there!), hear me out.

It is common for all of us to actually block something we do desire. So I’m not saying you don’t want the money or the relationship, of course you do!

I’m saying, something in you is not allowing the desire to flow. And until you get clarity on what that is, you’ll keep your manifestation at bay forever. That’s not the vibe, and that’s really not necessary because if you want it, you deserve it and you can have it. Full stop.

The most common things that (secretly) keep your manifestation at bay:

  • Fear of loss (something like: I manifested love before and lost it. I manifested money before and debt erased it all…)

  • Fear of getting hurt (something like: after being hurt so many times by a partner, how can you fully trust this time will be different?!)

  • Fear of responsibility (something like: If I suddenly had 100K in my bank account, I wouldn’t know how to handle it… the taxes alone are giving me anxiety…)

The list goes on.

And all those fears are legit. They fully are. The hurt you felt was real. The pain you had to deal with was unfair.

But now we get to decide what we carry with ourselves into this next chapter. Into this next week and even into this day.

Remember: You can start fresh any moment of the day. And to set new, better things in motion, we always need that same little spark: a moment of clarity.

For me, clarity comes when I make room for it. It comes when I allow myself to just be for a while. Sometimes the big aha! comes all at once in a moment of peace or joy. Sometimes it’s little moments of clarity that I get to piece together, allowing me to make “big” decisions while feeling fully sure and safe about them.

Clarity only comes when we are brave enough to tell ourselves the truth.

Here’s an example:

Maybe you just got to the point where you hate the daily tasks that come with your successful business. Oooff. Admitting this is scary because now what? You worked hard for this and you’re not shutting it down to get back to cubicle!

You don’t have to.

But you will have to make changes.

Plot twist: the changes come easily once you accept and trust that they need to happen. They don’t need to be destructive.

Manifesting in the long term requires clarity and courage


Here are some ways to make room for clarity. Set the intention to receive guidance and then:

  • Go for a drive, walk or a run, let the energy flow freely

  • Dance alone like a crazy person to your favorite music, let the energy flow joyfully

  • Meditate (duh!)

  • Journal freely. I like to write down all my fears and crazy beliefs on one page in one color and then DESTROY THEM with a different color. I laugh out loud at this fear, that doubt, like “what even is that? pshhh”, and boom, I genuinely replace those thoughts with much more productive ones

  • Speak! Yes, have full on, out loud conversations with yourself. It may feel crazy but it’s not. I often just talk things out with myself and what I consider “my team”, I get angry, I get realigned, and then I get clear.

And then what? I fully believe that once we get clear, we get in a vibe of non-negotiable desire that leads to all kinds of quick manifestations that will lead us right on our path. When what we want is truly non-negotiable, when your vibe is so clear and unavailable for anything less, it has no choice but to show up and usually quickly.

Seriously, the Universe (or God, or whatever you call that higher power) wants to work with you, you’re not here by mistake or to be constantly tested. That’s one of the biggest lie out there!

If shit is funky, then the initial vibe is funky. It’s that simple. And that’s fully okay, it’s not a big deal. You can clean it up within days, even hours!

Your job is never to do all the things all alone. But knowing what you want and getting clear on your vision so that you can be guided and supported, that’s your job. And let me add one last note: it can be a really fun job too.

And because clarity is key, I have created a new call for 2025, humbly and simply named: The Clarity Call. So if you need help identifying the blocks and getting clear on your vision, you can book it now for 25% off in January.

Or follow the tips above and get in your flow on your own. You know what will work best for you. Oh yeah, that’s actually the last note: Clarity comes when you trust yourself. Always trust your heart and guts. You already KNOW.


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